The restaurant is split into five different Teppanyaki rooms giving each diner an intimate experience every time they dine.
In the past I've loved teppanyaki but my innate lack of athletic skills have steered me away from fear of missing a whole bowl of rice and have my dinner end up on my lap.
However I've always been allured to watching the chef's skills and how simple flavours are used to create a delicious meal in minutes, right before your eyes.
We were seated by welcoming staff a group of other friendly diners there and to our surprise we were lucky enough to have head chef Yumi Maeyama serve us.
Our dining experience came from a Groupon voucher where we were able to have an otherwise $185 11 course for $88 per person.

We started the meal off with a serve of Sake.
I've never had Sake before so this was an interesting first for me. The rice wine was a very pure and clean with a subtle sweetness to it. A very refreshing and cleansing to start the meal.
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Bloody Mary Oyster Shooter & Beef Tataki |
To start we had a Bloody Mary Oyster Shooter accompanied with Beef Tataki and steamed Edamame. Steamed Edamame was served at room temperature and is always a nice treat to start.
The Bloody Mary shooter was nice and tangy with a secret fresh oyster swimming around in its tomatoey depths. The addition of chives and coriander really lifted the freshness in the shooter.
The beef tataki was sensational, full of flavour and cooked flawlessly. The thin slices of beef were seared to perfection with a combination of chilli paste and vinegar throughout.
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What's underneath?![]() Seaweed and Hot Mushroom Salad |
What looked like a very modest and bland salad was in fact a surprisingly delicious combination of lightly marinated mushrooms infusing into the fresh greens. I could go on a diet of this salad every day!
The next dish was still a secret to me at first but chef Yumi assured us that it was delicious and was always well received
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The Dome unveils... |
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Flaming No.1 Special |
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Alaskan Crab |
The staff were kind enough to provide us with bowls to wash our hands afterwards.
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Lobster tail, cooked with garlic |
The lobster was sweet and fresh but the garlic was a bit overpowering - it may have been a poor choice.
Between the two shellfish, the Alaskan crab was a definite winner.
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Raspberry Sorbet |
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Mmmm that 5+ Marble |
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What's teppanyaki without a show |
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Wagyu beef - Medium Rare |
Chef Yumi brought out wonderful slabs of 5+ Marbled Wagyu beef and cooked it to our own liking.
We each received our steakes sliced to reveal her precision in getting that "medium rare" just right.
The Wagyu was lightly marinated and melted in your mouth. The simple flavours with perfect cooking really let the Wagyu shine.
The small pops of wagyu fat were crunchy and salty on the outside and smooth and melting on the inside. To die for.
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Chef Yumi |
To finish we had a Crepe Suzette. The punchy citrus flavour rounded up the meal nicely as the 11 courses came to a close. The Crepe Suzette wasn't quite at the same standard as the other courses but didn't spoil our experience overall.
If you're sick of having fried rice and egg flying through the air and just want to have a good quality traditional teppanyaki then I highly recommend for Kobe Jones. It may cost you much more but at least you won't be wearing your meal at the end of the night.

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